Get even more protein insights from Urner Barry by Expana
Trusted by industry leaders for reliable data insights

The most comprehensive data on the market
The breadth, depth, and quality of our commodity market data is unrivaled. At Expana, we have a well-earned reputation for providing clear, consistent, and comprehensive data, combined with real actionable insights – across the wide range of agrifood-focused markets. Put simply, our intelligence powers the decisions that feed our world.
How can Expana drive success for your business?
Reports & analysis
Get expert analysis and share insights from Expana throughout your organization with our data visualization tools, cost models, and dashboards.
Save time
Easily access and analyze data with expert reports, custom alerts, and negotiation packs.
Trends and market movements
Identify trends and understand where the market is heading to strengthen your approach and long-term strategies.
Alert center
Get real-time alerts on commodity prices and market analysis to optimize your buying strategy, reduce costs, and gain control.
Risk mitigation strategies
Improve your management of commodity price risk and minimize supplier costs with our market intelligence software and price insights.
Mobile access
Manage market volatility and expenses by staying up to date with current prices, cost models, and price change reports all from your mobile device.